We often feel that we cannot grasp the complexities of life and can do nothing to change the events occurring in our world. This is most definitely not the case.
By healing ourselves on all levels, we realise what a vital part of this glorious thing called life that we are. All that we are now is not all that we shall become.
It is an exciting journey - join us to learn more!
Jane Caroline’s extraordinary interest in the inner person and in self-healing, discovered early in her childhood, would later become her life’s work. Jane Caroline has studied with many teachers throughout the years, and through decades of personal study, today her mission is to help individuals and groups learn strategies to overcome emotional and psychological barriers in their daily lives that prevent them from living their life’s dream.
“I work from my heart with the knowledge I’ve developed over the years of my own healing and self empowerment. It is a gift that I am so happy to share with you. It has the ability to get to the core quickly and effectively with the highest healing potential and greatest rewards.”
10am-2pm, including a light lunch!
Please book directly with us below...
Enjoy a nurturing and life changing day;
- Let go of the baggage in the past;
- Release it with ease;
- Nuture the 'now' with simple processes;
- Define and create the future you dream of